The Thrusting Vessel

One of the major purposes of the Thrusting vessel is to connect, to communicate, and to mutually support the Conception vessel. Because of this mutual Qi support, both can effectively regulate the Qi in the kidney channel. The kidneys are the residence of Original Qi and are considered one of the most vital Yin organs.

The Thrusting vessel is considered one of the most important and decisive vessels in successful Qigong training, especially in Marrow Washing. There are many reason for this. The first reason is that this vessel intersects two cavities on the Conception vessel: Huiyin (LI-l) and Yinjiao (LI-7). Huiyin means "meeting with Yin" and is the cavity where the Yang and Yin Qi are transferred. Yinjiao means "Yin Junction" and is the cavity where the Original Qi (Water Qi, or Yin Qi) interfaces with the Fire Qi created from food and air. The Thrusting Vessel also connects with eleven cavities on the kidney channel. The kidney is considered the residence of Original Essence (Yuan Jing), which is converted into Original Qi (Yuan Qi).

The second reason for the importance of the Thrusting Vessel in Qigong training is that this vessel is connected directly to the spinal cord and reaches up to the brain. The major goal of Marrow Washing Qigong is to lead the Qi into the marrow and then further on to the head, nourishing the brain and spirit (Shen).

And finally, the third reason is found in actual Qigong practice. There are three common training paths: Fire, Wind, and Water. In Fire path Qigong, the emphasis is on the Fire or Yang Qi circulating in the Governing vessel and therefore strengthening the muscles and organs. The Fire path is the main Qi training in Muscle/Tendon Changing (Yi Jin Jing) Qigong. However, the Fire path can also cause the body to become too Yang, and therefore speed up the process of degeneration. In order to adjust the Fire to a proper level, Marrow Washing Qigong is also trained. This uses the Water path, in which Qi separates from the route of the Fire path at the Huiyin cavity (LI-l), enters the spinal cord, and finally reaches up to the head. The Water path teaches how to use Original Qi to cool down the body, and then to use this Qi to nourish the brain and train the spirit. Learning to adjust the Fire and Water Qi circulation in the body is called Kan-Li, which means Water-Fire. You can see from this that the Thrusting vessel plays a very important role in Qigong training.


The Thrusting Meridian Trajectory

A. Course:

Course #1:
(1). Lower abdomen - (2). Emerges along the Path of Qi - (3). Tracks the course of the kidney channel - (4). Ascends through the abdomen - (5). Skirts the navel - (6). Disperses in the chest.

Course #2:
(6). Chest -(7). Ascends across the throat -(8). Face -(9). Nasal cavity. Course #3: (1). Lower abdomen - (10). Below the kidney - (11). Emerges along the Path of Qi - (12). Descends along the medial aspect of the thigh - (13). Popliteal fossa - (14). Medial margin of the tibia and the posterior aspect of the medial malleolus - (15). Bottom of the foot.

Course #4:
(16). Tibia - (17). Toward the lateral margin of the bone - (18). enters the heel - (19). Crosses the tarsal bones of the foot - (20). Big toe.

Course #5:
(21). Pelvic cavity - (22). Enter the spine and circulates through the back.

***This vessel intersects Huiyin (LI-l), Yinjiao (LI-7), Qichong (S-30), Henggu (K-11), Dahe (K-12), Qixue (K-13), Siman (K-14), Zhongzhu (K-15), Huangshu (K-16), Shangqu (K-17), Shiguan (K-18), Yindu (K-19), Tonggu (K-20), and Youmen (K-21).

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